there is no antonym for vortex

One of our divine purposes here is to learn to change the direction of the spin of energy from destructive to creative.

Let me explain.

Destructive, negative, fearful, taking energies and scarcity-mindsets are energy patterns that spin in a direction that turns inwardly on itself. It is an imploding, self-absorbing, black hole kind of vortex that consumes energy up and separates and disconnects itself from other energies.

We can begin to observe this type of energy as we take notice of everything in our experiences. Destructive energies are present when we engage in negative ways of thinking about ourselves and others. These kinds of thoughts can lead us to put others down, and attempt to control our surroundings. This destructive energy pattern is the driving force behind every exploitative act, every abuse of power, every deception, and every act of violence. All are based in fear, all are destructive and all create disconnection in the world.

On the contrary, creative, positive, loving, giving energies and abundance-mindsets are energy patterns that spin in the opposite direction, expanding outwardly from within. It is an exploding, selfless, expansive kind of anti-vortex (for which there seems to be no word in the English language), where the energy produces infinitely, weaving and merging with other expansive energies until there is only Oneness.

We can begin to observe this type of energy as we take notice of everything in our experiences. Creative energies are present when we engage in positive ways of thinking about ourselves and others. When we practice visualizing the potential in all things and committing our energies toward the realization of these visions, we ourselves become conduits for creation. This creative energy pattern is the driving force behind every truly loving act, every decision made from a place of selfless service, every healing, and every communication made with the purpose of increasing the collective consciousness. All are based in love, all are expansive, and all increase our ability to live in resonant harmony with ourselves and all beings. 

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